
A strong and committed Finland : Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government 20 June 2023


A strong and committed Finland : Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government 20 June 2023

The Government is seeking to make Finland a strong and committed country that can withstand global storms.

In a strong and committed Finland, people will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge and competence, find work, live on their pay or pension, and live in safety. When the foundations of society are strong, people can enjoy the right and freedom to pursue a good life on their own terms. People can feel included in society and can trust one another. The most vulnerable people can trust that they will be taken care of. It is the responsibility of government to provide a framework for freedom and opportunity.

A strong and committed Finland will be able to provide services to people of all ages regardless of their income or where they live. These services extend from early childhood onwards, covering education, health, social services, and care. We will guarantee that future generations will be able to enjoy similar services and opportunities. People will take responsibility for themselves and for each other in families, communities and in society at large. We will support parenthood and families with children and will take care of older people.

A strong and committed Finland is a stable and reliable country. It is a strong democracy and an independent state governed by the rule of law. Everyone in Finland is valued as an equal member of society. Bilingualism is one of our country's strengths.

A strong and committed Finland will ensure the safety of its people at home, on the streets and at its borders. We will combat social exclusion, make sure the police have sufficient resources and hone the functioning of our justice system. We will safeguard security of supply and the production of clean and safe Finnish food.

We will build a strong and committed Finland through concrete and forthright solutions. Action builds faith in the future. By working together, Finland can rise to meet any challenge.

<a href="https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/governments/government-programme/#/">A strong and committed Finland – Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government 20 June 2023 as an online publication on the Government's website.</a>
