
Museum of Opportunities - The Museum Policy Programme 2030 of the Ministry of Education and Culture


Museum of Opportunities - The Museum Policy Programme 2030 of the Ministry of Education and Culture

The museum policy programme outlines the main success factors of the museum sector up to the year 2030.The vision is that by 2030, Finland will have the most up-to-date museums and the most enthusiastic clients in Europe.

The success factors of the museum sector are approached through six development activities. The development activities focus on reforming the general objectives of museum operations as well as on outlining policies regarding the development of competences, operating approaches, structures and funding. Collections management and digitalisation were established as development activities in their own right. Each of the development activities consists of a desired end state for 2030, a description of the focus of the development and the measures to be taken. The measures also include proposals on delegation of implementation and collaboration responsibilities. Finally, the programme examines the Museums Act and considers needs for its reform.

In the museum policy programme, museums are seen as experts, partners and enablers. Museums provide experiences and information and thus create opportunities for creativity, education, the construction of identities and an understanding of change. Museums have an important part to play in the creation of a culturally, socially and ecologically sustainable society, and in promoting well-being. The programme identifies museums as a cultural service that covers the whole country. The role of museums in developing the attractiveness and vitality of the regions is essential.

As regards regional and nationwide museum activities, it is proposed that the responsibilities, structures and funding be reformed. According to the proposal, the current system composed of national museums, national specialised museums and county and regional art museums would be replaced by national museums and national and regional museums responsible for specific areas or fields.

Implementing the proposals of the museum policy programme will require collaboration and discussion between different actors and between all the relevant parties. The programme will be of benefit in local and regional development as well as in planning and outlining operations.
