
Sunilan vanha lämpökeskus ja sen lähiympäristö


Sunilan vanha lämpökeskus ja sen lähiympäristö

An old heating plant of Sunila housing area and it’s nearby

This work covers a historical study of Valliniemi heating plant, the equalised time period of measurement and drawing, time equality drawing and a proposed new programme of use for housing at the Sunila factory area. In addition, the study also covers a proposal for a new use of the heating plant as information, cafe and exhibition space. I have suggested housing construction to be located at the current tennis court, where I have planned to include terraced housing for three properties. The best known functionalism housing area designed by Alvar Aalto is in Sunila.

My idea for the new use of Valliniemi heat plant is based on a combination of artists’ houses and workshops. This would create use for the heat plant around the clock regardless of the time of the year. However, the workshops are relatively low at 260–280 cm; therefore the pieces of art cannot be too tall. The artists’ housing would be rental accommodation. There is an auditorium in the basement that can be used for presentations, lectures etc. The information centre is responsible for managing the auditorium space.

The information centre is a new building, comprising exhibition space and an area where artists’ work and information about Sunila can be displayed. The information centre will have an information point where people can find out about Sunila and related topics. The building will also house a cafe.

I have proposed that the current tennis court will be replaced by new terraced housing with three houses and attached carports, technical centre, refuge space and storage for the occupants. The terraced houses have been designed to a larger scale so that they conform to the traditional size of housing within the area at the nearby Kantola and Rantala estates.
