
KISU - Puvustus Teatterikorkeakoulun nukketeatteriesitykseen


KISU - Puvustus Teatterikorkeakoulun nukketeatteriesitykseen

The subject of this thesis was to design costumes for a Theatre Academy’s puppet show called Kisu. Kisu is a play for adult audience, and it is about a girl and a cat. The objective of the thesis was to design costumes for one actress and two puppeteers. The character needed separate costumes for different stages of life. One of the objectives was to find out how to reflect age in costumes. The puppeteers were visible on the stage and not hidden, they needed costumes that were not black. The project included costume designing, finding clothes from Teak’s wardrobe and second-hand shops, and designing and implementing a cat costume.

The methods used in the thesis included J. Michael Gillette’s theatre design and problem-solving model, a process that consist of seven phases. Methods used for research were documents like literature and pictures, observation, and interviews. For designing progress mood boards and sketchbook were used. Qualitative content analysis was used for analyzing the content.

The result of the work was costume design, that met the needs of the show and the objectives of the thesis. The costumes were cohesive with the staging and lighting design, and they successfully reflected the atmosphere of the performance. The girl's costumes reflected changing age of the character. The costumes of the puppeteers had color-palette that was coherent with the set design.
