
Markkinointisuunnitelma lanseerattaville tuotteille

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Markkinointisuunnitelma lanseerattaville tuotteille

The subject of this thesis was to create a marketing plan for launching cold storage solutions for Restmec Oü. The purpose of the marketing plan was to act as a guideline for the marketing of the new cold storage products that will be launched in the future. The objective of this thesis was to research kitchen furniture manufacturers and their use of media for searching new products, their buying processes and their opinion about the cold storage solutions.

The thesis looked into the key points of the marketing plan alongside with the future launch of cold storage products and analysed the results from the research. The starting point was examination of the company and their products, marketing strategies and targets, marketing and monitoring.

Finnish kitchen furniture manufacturers were examined by qualitative testing method since there were not previous theoretical studies about them. The research was executed as theme interviews. The results of the research were analysed according to the theme of the interviews. The results helped to ensure the best marketing means for the marketing plan and gave information about the product and its demand.

The results showed that there is still a lot of to develop regarding cold storage solutions in order to make them more suitable for the market. Marketing should start from participating in the industry related trade fairs and organising company visits for the kitchen furniture manufacturers. The company should use direct mail and update their websites.

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