
Lasta odottavan päihdeperhe -hoitoketju Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin alueella

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Lasta odottavan päihdeperhe -hoitoketju Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin alueella

This development project is a part of larger project Neuvolatoiminta 2010 -luvulle which is coordinated by Turku University of applied sciences. (Ahonen, Cornu, Tuominen 2010) and this project is also a part of strategy for hospital district of southwest Finland. Purpose of this project was to create effective and understandable pathway for taking care of mothers and families who are expecting a child and who are substance abusers for example they are having problems with drugs and alcohol. This pathway is going to be great help for professionals working with these substance abuser families. Also it will standardize the ways of practise. Using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy it increases complications and risks the health of the baby (Halmesmäki 2001, 541). Also using drugs and alcohol during pregnancy it in-creases children insecuritynes and possibility for later depression and alcoholism (Pajulo 2003). This kind of pregnancy is always in a great risk. Taking care of families and pregnant women with drinking and drug problem is a great challenge and it is recommended that professionals have decreased knowhow about the subject. Multiprofessional work is important. (Halmesmäki ym. 2007; Pajulo 2003.) Substance abuse is major psycho-social problem including mental problems and need for child protection services (Uotila 2007). This research is part of development project and its major goal is to give information for creating the pathway. There were some differences how these families were taked care of in health care services. According to results it is important to organize tasks and make solid instructions for all employees. Tests and instructions for identifying substance abuse were functional and employees thought that it is easy to talk about drugs and alcohol with pregnant women. There were some differences between employees about how co-operation works and it is important to increase co-operation between different organizations.

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