
Mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin käyttäminen pilvipalvelussa


Mikropalveluarkkitehtuurin käyttäminen pilvipalvelussa

Applications are created traditionally as one wholeness. This wholeness is called monolithic architecture. In the monolithic architecture, one mistake in the application can prevent the operation of the whole application. On the contrary, application architecture in microservices is created with the help of many independent services. Microservices architecture attempts to minimise the problem of the monolithic architecture because when a mistake happens in the microservices architecture, it will affect only the service in question whilethe rest of the application continues its operation normally. In the microservices architecture, the impact of the independent services to the wholeness of the application must be planned before implementation.

The purpose of the thesis was to investigate what technologies and applications can be used when creating a microservice. The essential matters are container technology and cloud services. The container technology expanded in popularity with the usage of Docker and facilitates the microservices by placing parts of the application in independent containers to be commanded. The Azure cloud service facilitates the microservices architecture by controlling the resources of the microservices which are paid only according to the usage. The company does not need to buy expensive resources such as servers for its own use.

The objective of the thesis was to make a functional simple application utilising container technology, Azure cloud service and Kubernetes container management. For the theoretical part of the thesis, the material was collected from numerous internet sources. The objective of the thesis was achieved. The functional microservice was developed as a result and was successfully integrated into the Azure cloud service and it was publicly called from an Internet address.
