
Asiakaskokemus ja puhelinneuvonnan laatu : Koskiklinikan puhelinneuvonnassa

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Asiakaskokemus ja puhelinneuvonnan laatu : Koskiklinikan puhelinneuvonnassa

The intention of this study was to assess and describe customer experiences on phone counselling of healthcare company Koskiklinikka. While assessing and describing, the purpose was to use the criteria of good customer experience that were given us by administration of Koskiklinikka. The company wished to get information about what kind of customer experience their phone counselling reflects on to customers and about their possible targets for development. The goal of the study was to provide Koskiklinikka with more criteria on good customer experience. Another goal was to describe customer experiences on phone counselling.

The study had a qualitative approach. The data were collected by using mystery shopping method. In this method phone calls were made to phone counselling of Koskiklinikka. The employees in phone counselling were in role of the research subject.

The results of this study show that the criteria of Koskiklinikka materialized relatively well. The customers felt that the service was friendly and that they were understood by the specialist in phone counselling. Specialists worked by using the evidence based practice and customers’ questions was answered. The language that the specialists used was clear and understandable. Connection to the phone counselling in Koskiklinikka was rapidly and the phone call was effective and logical.

Our suggestion for further study to Koskilinikka is a more extensive survey on the experiences of customers contacting the phone counselling.

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