
Maisemapiirros tilassa ja ajassa


Maisemapiirros tilassa ja ajassa

This Master’s thesis studies how space and time have been represented in landscape drawings by using practice-based research methodology. The focus was in the structural analysis: How lines and shapes have been used to represent elements of the landscape? How illusions of space have been visualized in a two-dimensional surface? The main research method was a visual analysis of landscape drawings. The drawings represented landscapes from 1400th century to the present time. Visual analysis as a research method proved to be a good way to study structural issues of the drawings. However, it does not reveal any historical or cultural aspects of the study items. Therefore visual analysis was combined with the literature reviews. The literature reviews included also history of landscape aesthetics and its relation to landscape drawings. During the centuries, landscape drawings have given artist a way to store experiences of nature. But most of the landscape drawings have rarely been drawn from nature. Landscape drawings have enabled artists to express their imagination, and to experiment new ways of making art. The thesis-writing process has strengthened the author’s understand of concepts and conventions related to contemporary drawings. It has also developed the author’s ability to write about her art practices. Based on this study, a landscape is still a popular subject of contemporary art. However, a landscape is now more broadly defined. A landscape is no longer seen only as a pictorial way of representing or symbolising surroundings, but also as a people’s subjective understanding and awareness of the world around them. Even the landscape around us is changing, the landscape drawing practices have stayed relative similar. Ink, charcoal, pencil and chalk are still the most popular tools. The ways of representing space in a flat surface have remained the same from renaissance to the present time. Good landscape drawings do not date because the way of looking, methods and tools have changed very little during the history of independent landscape drawing.
