
Silmä peittoon - näkö paremmaksi: peittohoito-ohjeen laadinta Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan silmätautien klinikalla hoidossa olevien lasten vanhemmille


Silmä peittoon - näkö paremmaksi: peittohoito-ohjeen laadinta Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan silmätautien klinikalla hoidossa olevien lasten vanhemmille

Our thesis deal with the development and function of binocular vision and amblyopia. Treatment with an eyepatch is needed when vision in one eye has deteriorated. There are several ways to treat amblyopia. The most common is patching the unaffected eye of a child. The sooner the treatment is started, the better the expected results are. It has become more important to educate pa-tients with help of the written material. Treatment times are getting shorter, healthcare professionals have less time for personal medical counseling. Therefore in patient counseling written material should be used to support oral guidance.

The thesis was performed as a project and we planned instructions for the eyepatch treatment of amblyopia. The purpose of the project was to prepare a guide which was clear and understandable. The instructions were intended for those parents whose children had amblyopia. The guide was made in co-operation with the ophthalmology clinic in Oulu University Hospital. The guide was based on literature and expert knowledge. The guide is a A5-sized notebook consisting eight pages. It contains information about the child's vision development, amblyopia and eyepatch treatment. It also includes pictures to clarify the text and increase interest in the subject. This guide of eyepatching is the first one in the ophthalmology clinic, so instructions were necessary.
