
Cultural Factors Affecting Business Between Sweden and Finland, Case Study: Byggmax in Finland


Cultural Factors Affecting Business Between Sweden and Finland, Case Study: Byggmax in Finland

The main purpose of this thesis is to study cultural factors affecting business between Sweden and Finland utilizing Byggmax in Finland as a case study. The two countries have a long history together, dating back hundreds of years and conducting business has always been a part of it. Even though the two cultures are fairly similar there are some important cultural differences between the two nations.

These differences have been researched through theories such as those authored by Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars, and Richard D. Lewis. The differences can also be seen in different studies by professionals that have experienced both sides of business in the countries. Regardless of the differences the countries also have a lot in common.

The study features a case study of building and DIY materials retailer Byggmax and their entry to the Finnish market. It highlights the cultural aspect and the overall success of the company in Finland. In addition to literature review and the case study this study includes a application of a qualitative research method. Selected groups were interviewed in structured interviews about their view on the company Byggmax and their position in Finland.

The cultural differences between the countries are not too many, but still crucial to make the business work between the nations. Researching and preparing for these will give a potential advantage for companies that want to explore their possibility of entering either country or starting a business.
