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Integrating one ́s native language into vocational studie

The purpose of this thesis was to write a literature review about the basics of integrating different study subjects at upper secondary education. In addition, an important aim was to find ideas for teaching methods in the vocational upper secondary education and training when integrating one´s native language into vocational studies. The basis of this work consisted of the principles of ECVET -recommendations (European Credit system for Vocational Education and training) given by the European Commission to its member states. The recommendations emphasise knowledge-based learning and the realisation of it instead of time-based learning. Knowledge-based learning was first put into operation as part of reforming the vocational upper secondary qualifications which came into force on 1st August 2015 in vocational upper secondary education and training and competence-based qualifications. Furthermore, the steering group of the development project of the vocational qualification system (TUTKE –project), launched by the Ministry of Education in 2009, considered the correspondence of the degree structure and working life one of the most important development areas. Thus the integration of subjects can help develop teaching methods, which is required when aiming to improve knowledge-based learning as well as working life oriented teaching.

The theoretical part of the work consists of introducing the de structure of qualifications, the parts of the module that are integrated, the basics of curricular integration as well as introducing a pedagogic viewpoint of teaching. Furthermore the teachers´ readiness for integration is discussed through interviews in additions to literature. The thesis includes the first version of an idea booklet which contained integrated contents of parts of the degree. The booklet compiled for the educational institution to be utilized and further elaborated. The purpose of the idea booklet is to facilitate the work of teachers and to lower the threshold for integration.

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