
Johtajuus tänään / Leadership today


Johtajuus tänään / Leadership today

Leadership is like an ameba; a constantly evolving phenomenon that endures through technological upheavals, globalization, booms and recessions. Leadership is questioned in the turbulences of the world, where it takes shape into new isms and theses. It is a child of its time and environment; it seeks its shape by following societal twists and developments, but it also pushes the development of society and working life in new directions. Genuine leadership is not based on titles or position in hierarchies, but its core is built on human elements. Values, feelings, encounters, and responsibility for self-leadership are always the cornerstones of true leadership, regardless of times and situations.

This publication consists of articles by students, teaching professionals and partner experts of Laurea University of Applied Sciences, in which leadership is examined from a wide variety of environments and perspectives. Each article opens a window to a unique landscape of leadership, and inspires you to look at leaders, followers and work communities in a fresh way.
