
Nykytilakartoituspalvelun kehittäminen : Production Software

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Nykytilakartoituspalvelun kehittäminen : Production Software

The subject of this thesis was to develop and productize the present state analysis service that Production Software offers to the manufacturing industry. The development work is based on the ISA-95 standard.

The first objective was to develop a model for the execution of the present state analysis so the time taken by the analysis would be easier to estimate. Knowing the time, it would be easy to calculate the expenses of the analysis. With the help of the model also the documents that the analysis produces would be standardized. The second objective was to productize the present state analysis service with the help of the first objective. This objective was defined and carried out step by step following the productization process.

The theory section of the thesis consists of information from various sources that focuses on enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution systems. The objectives and instructions of the ISA-95 standard are also described in the theory section.

The functional section was executed by interviewing a representative of two different companies using the models that are introduced in the theory section.

With the outcome of this thesis, the interview form and the template for the end report, Production Software can now more easily sell the manufacturing analysis service in one package. The price, duration and documents are also defined in advance.

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