
Lastenkirjallisuuden uudet muodot : multimodaalisen digitaalisen lastenkirjakonseptin suunnittelu


Lastenkirjallisuuden uudet muodot : multimodaalisen digitaalisen lastenkirjakonseptin suunnittelu

The goal of this thesis was to design a multimodal digital children’s book concept. This concept should reflect the new digital formats of children’s literature, as well as explore the multimodal storytelling used in literary apps.  

The foundation for the design process was made through an orientation, which focused on the conventions of children’s digital literature, its current state, and definitions of new digital forms. The orientation also considered the advantages of multimodality in storytelling for children.  

The design process started with writing the story, followed by drafting and finalizing the illustrations. Animated elements were designed together with the interactivity, confirming the intended format of literary app for the concept. Finally, the concept was finalized by the soundscape, with which the work achieved its true multimodal form.  

Based on the results, children’s literature can notably benefit from multimodal storytelling and the usage of digital solutions.
