
Step-by-step plan to succeed for an artist entering Russian music market by using social media tools


Step-by-step plan to succeed for an artist entering Russian music market by using social media tools

The purpose of this research was to develop a step-by-step guide which can help any individual or group of people in entering Russian music market and to get to the top of the industry by simply putting in work and taking advantage of free social media tools. Initially, the phenomenon of music industry was explained together with phenomenon of YouTube and ways of income for artists. Afterwards, the switch to reality shifted and real-life problems related to the topic were explained. The most related example of an artist achieved the success using social media tools explained.

The information was gathered from literature, articles, online blogs and videos. The author’s proficiency in the field complemented the findings as well. The empirical research included mentorship with an experienced top video blogger from Russia. In addition, the practical report was held considering YouTube’s strategies to succeed.

The author identified some of the most innovative attention catching techniques and provided practical advice together with real life examples. This thesis can be used by any foreign artist as a pattern for formulating an own promotion plan for approaching Russian audience online and achieving career success in that country.
