
Krooninen kipu ja sen lääkkeellinen hoito -Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus


Krooninen kipu ja sen lääkkeellinen hoito -Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

The aim of this thesis was to collect information about chronic pain and its medical treatment. The purpose was also to collect links between chronic pain and mental health problems. The research methodology for this thesis was inductive analysis. The aim in this thesis was to improve the knowledge of chronic pain treatment and factors that affect the care. The data for this thesis were collected from different electronic databases which were Medic, Arto and Melinda. The criteria of entry were that the material was about chronic pain and its treatment, medical treatment and connections between chronic pain and mental health problems. Furthermore, it was required that the material was related to the nursing or medical sciences, the data was published during 2010-2020 and the target group was adults and teenagers. 10 articles were chosen for analysis. Based on the findings, it is considered important to create a confidential relation- ship between the patient and staff in the treatment of chronic pain. Also, the patient commitment is one of the most important factors in terms of the treatment success. The staff has to provide enough information to the patient about his medical treatment. The patient might also benefit from practicing his emotional regulation skills. The type of pain, information gained from patient interview and patient’s medical history and the patient’s diagnosis all affect to the choice of analgesics. All patients get their own individualized medication plan and it is closely monitored. Patients with chronic pain often suffer from depression and anxiety.
