
Koira-avusteinen fysioterapia kroonisen kivun hoidossa


Koira-avusteinen fysioterapia kroonisen kivun hoidossa

According to a population-based survey, 35% of Finnish adults have experienced pain for more than three months and 14% have experienced daily pain. The survey indicated that most chronic pain is caused by musculoskeletal disorders. In Finland, three in four adults over the age of 30 have experienced at least one episode of back pain and 50% of adults more than five episodes of back pain. The presence of a dog has been found to affect the client's perception of pain, to facilitate interaction and to increase the oxytocin hormone production. The effects of the presence of a dog in a therapy situation are reflected in the client's motivation and commitment to exercise. In dog-assisted physiotherapy, functional exercise occurs unnoticed as the interest of the client is directed towards working and interacting with the dog. The aim of the thesis was to gather information for the client through a systematic literature review on the benefits of dog-assisted physiotherapy in the treatment of chronic pain. The research question of the thesis was "Is dog-assisted physiotherapy beneficial in chronic pain treatment?". The aim was to disseminate information about dog-assisted physiotherapy in chronic pain treatment to healthcare professionals and others interested in the topic. After strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, two studies that provided the best evidence on the topic were selected for the literature review. The review showed that the topic has not yet been widely studied, but the studies referred to in this thesis provided evidence in favour of dog-assisted physiotherapy as a pain treatment method.
