
Turvanmitan päässä - Harjoitepankki itsetunnon tukemiseksi hevosavusteisella toiminnalla.


Turvanmitan päässä - Harjoitepankki itsetunnon tukemiseksi hevosavusteisella toiminnalla.

The purpose of this thesis is to strengthen the self-esteem of a sub-school child through equine-assisted activity. The aim of the thesis is to make a self-esteem-related pursuit of practices for the employer. Practices are piloted as an individual customer guidance in the stable environment.

The functional contribution of the thesis includes tasks in the stable environment and exercises with a horse aimed at strengthening the child's self-esteem. The work orientation is based on finding customers´ own resources and capacities, the dialogue of customer work and interaction with the horse. This functional thesis includes four equine-assisted activity.

The goal-oriented equine-assisted activity as a prosperity of welfare, self-esteem and social rehabilitation proved to be impressive. The feedback showed that the exercises and successes can strengthen self-esteem and contribute to the survival of the challenges of everyday life. The pursuit of practices and its theoretical base can be utilized in the social sector in both preventive and rehabilitative activities with different customer groups.
