
”...Ei tarvi pitkin pitäjää kysellä, kuka se mistäki asiasta tietää mitäki...” : Ikäihmisten kokemuksia palveluohjauksen tuesta kotona selviytymiseen

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”...Ei tarvi pitkin pitäjää kysellä, kuka se mistäki asiasta tietää mitäki...” : Ikäihmisten kokemuksia palveluohjauksen tuesta kotona selviytymiseen

The objective of the thesis was to describe the experiences of clients; how case management supports managing at home within the project The Case Management of Elderly People in the Kainuu Region. The purpose of the thesis was to create information for the project. The information can be used for developing the project. The research task was to describe case management supported managing of elderly people at home. The Case Management of Elderly People in the Kainuu Region Project started in August 2004 and will finish at the end of the year 2006. The objectives of the project are to use case management service and service voucher for elderly people and to develop social work. The thesis is a qualitative study. The material was collected by using theme interview. The material from the interviews was analysed by deductive contents analysis. Four elderly people who had had case management at home took part in the interviews. The Interviewees were over 75 old and living at their own home. The interviews were realised in September 2006. For research task of results arose that the case management has supported the managing at home for elderly to giving information and instruction to services from client-oriented basis and assessing to client for comprehensive. A further topic for research would be to study how the five step process of case management has been implemented and how the case management has been applied in the social and health services in the Kainuu region.

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