
Report of recommended national working programmes for nursing research disciplines in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Report of recommended national working programmes for nursing research disciplines in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Work package 2.3 of the ProInCa project concentrates on providing support for building the capacity for nursing research in medical universities and health facilities. The work has been done in co-operation between the European (JAMK, LAMK, Hanze UAS) and Kazakhstani project partners. This activity included two Master Classes in Kazakhstan for staff members of medical universities, higher medical colleges, medical colleges, and health care facilities. During the first Master Class “Qualitative research and Development projects in nursing” in April 2019, educational materials on qualitative nursing research and nursing development projects were created. The created materials were uploaded to the Center of Nursing Excellence (CNE) eplatform in English and Russian.

During the second Master Class "Piloting the materials on Qualitative research and Development projects in nursing", participants piloted the educational materials (plan and content of the course, program, handouts for students, list of readings) for bachelor and master students. Feedback was collected from participants after each university had presented their topic area material. Afterwards, the summary of the feedback was discussed with the participants in order to agree on actions for finalizing the materials. After the ProInCa monitoring visit in November 2019 by the project by the National Erasmus+ Office of Kazakhstan, an additional internal and external assessment was organized. Based on the assessment feedback, some corrections to the finalized materials were made.

These training and learning materials are meant to be used at higher medical colleges and universities in applied or academic bachelor and master programs in nursing, as well as in health care facilities in Kazakhstan. The materials were created for the implementation of two courses in the future State Educational Standard on master’s degree level; Research and development projects in nursing, and Methodology and Methods of Scientific Research in Nursing. From the latter, the qualitative research part was developed during the Master Classes. Both disciplines consist of lectures, practices, assignments, and a list of additional materials. All the materials can be found from the CNE Moodle e-platform: https://course.nursekz.com/.
