
Competitiveness of Entrepreneurial Companies in Vietnam’s Beauty Spa Industry - An Emerging Market


Competitiveness of Entrepreneurial Companies in Vietnam’s Beauty Spa Industry - An Emerging Market

Entrepreneurial businesses in Vietnam have a lot of opportunities and at the same time, face many challenges. The rise of the middle class along with the change in beauty standards makes the demand for spa services significantly increase. In order to seize this opportunity, a wide range of people chose spa as a potential entrepreneurial field. However, in a competitive and seemingly saturated market, becoming successful is a big challenge for every entrepreneur. This thesis aims to determine how entrepreneurial spa businesses can be successful. Generating from business operation in reality, it asks: What are the main challenges for spa entrepreneurs in Vietnam?

Relying on literature on the spa industry in combination with theories of entrepreneurship, seven interviews were conducted with spa owners and experts in Vietnam. Interviewees answered a set of related questions. Research showed that lack of suitable business model, inappropriate financial strategy, heterogeneous customer service, inefficient marketing and poor quality management are the main challenges to running an entrepreneurial business. On this basis, appropriate solutions originated from the insights of real entrepreneurs of the field and the light of literature indicates a roadmap for spa business to overcome these challenges. Further related researches are recommended in order to support entrepreneurial businesses as well as create a better understanding of the spa industry.
