
Suurhankkeen pysäkkien varustelujen ja viimeistelyn virtaviivaistaminen case-kohteessa.


Suurhankkeen pysäkkien varustelujen ja viimeistelyn virtaviivaistaminen case-kohteessa.

The purpose of this thesis was to research and develop a solution for streamlining the equipment and finishing of light rail stations at the case project. The goal was to ensure repeatability, which would achieve a production method like pace time production in the construction of light rail stations. The thesis was commissioned by the Jokeri Light Rail Alliance which were the case project of this work.

The research method was an action research with a constructive research approach, which is one way to carry out a case research. At first, the basics of production control and lean construction were reviewed, followed by an introduction to the current method of building the station at the case project, then the options were presented and a new improved method for pace time production was shown.

The thesis compared the different options to make it possible to build the stations according to the pace-time production and as streamlined as possible. As a result, a sleeve joint solution was chosen as the most suitable method.

Material for this thesis was collected based on my own and colleagues' information, as well as literature and internet sources from the construction industry.
