
Uuden aseptisen pakkausjärjestelmän lanseeraus Eurooppaan


Uuden aseptisen pakkausjärjestelmän lanseeraus Eurooppaan

Launching plan for new aseptic packaging system in Europe

A Finnish technology export sale has always been based on a strong know-how in Europe. However, companies have been blamed that they implement merchandising and launching poorly. The successful launching is made of versatile preparation. The goal of launching is to find a target group and try to bring new product features and advantages to make successful business.

This research was based on qualitative and quantitative interviewing method. The target was to find out launching procedures and effect that the company used earlier. Company personnel, sales agents, and customers participated the survey. The result of this research was evaluated to estimate company’s readiness for a new launch and indicate components that will be improved.

Based on survey and research a launching plan was created for a new aseptic packaging system in Europe.
