
Sosiaalinen media markkinointiviestinnän välineenä presidentinvaalikampanjassa


Sosiaalinen media markkinointiviestinnän välineenä presidentinvaalikampanjassa

Social media as a tool for marketing communication in presidential election

The presidential election of 2012 took the use of social media marketing to a whole new level in the Finnish political scene. This thesis studies the campaign of the Green Party candidate Pekka Haavisto. The campaign used almost all its resources to social media which had not been done before in Finland. The purpose of the empirical study is to understand how Pekka Haavisto was able to rise from his position as an underdog to a noteworthy candidate. To support the empirical part, the study also shines light on previous studies and theories about marketing communication, marketing communication campaign and social media.
