
Opittavuus WWW-sovelluksissa


Opittavuus WWW-sovelluksissa

Learnability in WWW-applications

Nowadays, more and more complex applications are made as WWW-applications. Even novices should also be able to learn to use them. The ease of a new user to learn to use a specific application is measured with learnability, which is improved with simplification, graphical design, clarity of icons, and consistency. This study concentrates especially on HTML5 and three WWW-applications with regard to the aforementioned factors of learnability. There are a few new features in HTML5 which improve learnability, such as more natural input methods and media play. In the studied web pages learnability was good. Even a complex WWW-application can be easily learnable if designed well. HTML5 brings consistency and increasingly fades the difference between WWW-applications and desktop applications. In the future, content visualization could be enhanced in order to improve learnability.
