
Work motivation of young professionals in the service sector in Finland : case restaurant industry


Work motivation of young professionals in the service sector in Finland : case restaurant industry

This research investigates the motivations of young professionals in the restaurant industry in Finland, focusing on the balance between employee needs and company objectives. As the sector faces high turnover and low job satisfaction, understanding employee motivations is crucial for its sustainability. The study applies foundational motivation theories to analyze the specific factors influencing young workers' decisions to pursue and retain roles in this industry. Data was collected through a survey and interviews, with 51 participants aged 20-30, currently working in the restaurant industry. The findings highlighted the significance of both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. While monetary compensation was found important, intrinsic motivations such as personal growth, recognition, and a positive work environment were prioritized. The research also revealed the need for more contemporary and sector-specific theories of motivation. The study concludes that understanding and addressing the motivations of the younger professional workforce can enhance job satisfaction and productivity, aiding in mitigating high staff turnover rates. Future research is recommended to broaden the geographic scope, increase the sample size, and include other sectors of the service industry.
