
Henkilöstöä osallistava strategiaprosessi ja sen vaikutukset strategian käytäntöön vientiin : tapaustutkimus OP Lounaismaa


Henkilöstöä osallistava strategiaprosessi ja sen vaikutukset strategian käytäntöön vientiin : tapaustutkimus OP Lounaismaa

This study examines an employee-engaged participatory strategic process and its effects on the implementation of strategy. The research is based on the identified desire of the target organization to develop its own participatory strategic process and to identify the effects of this process, particularly in advancing strategy implementation. The background theory of the study draws on strategic theory, encompassing concepts of strategy, strategy implementation and strategic communication, as well as the perspective of strategy as a practice. The objective of the study is to shed light on the impacts and phenomena of the target organization's participatory strategic process and to provide input for the improvement of the current strategy process. The research is based on semi-structured group interviews conducted within the target organization. The key findings suggest that an employee-engaged participatory strategic process has various effects on the implementation of strategy. In terms of positive effects, observations re lated to a shared understanding of the strategy and a common view that strategy is built in everyday life through collective dialogue can be identified. The participatory strategic process enhances interaction among members of the organization, fosters mutual acquaintance, and contributes to an individual's sense of the significance of their work. Based on the results, a clear connection between participatory strategy and the achievement of organizational goals is evident. Concerning the negative effects of participation, the burden of the strategic process emerges as a key factor.
