
Digitaalisen kaksosen hyödyntäminen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa


Digitaalisen kaksosen hyödyntäminen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa

The utilization of digital twin in social- and healthcare

The goal of the study was to produce new information on the use of the digital twin in social and healthcare. The digital twin has versatile opportunities in future. By collecting, sharing, combining, and analyzing data, operations can be developed, organizations can generate added value, and economic growth can be increased.

The study consisted of two sub-studies. The material of the integrative literature review was compiled from the LUT Primo database, and as a result of the inductive content analysis, five themes related to the utilization of the digital twin were formed. Based on the themes, statements were created for the second substudy. The material was collected using the Delfoi method from an expert panel consisting of members of the regional councils of the welfare areas. The views of the experts were collected in the eDelphi program. The disputed claims of the first Delfoi round and the views of the experts were taken to the second Delfoi round to be re-evaluated by the experts.

The study showed the possibilities of utilizing the digital twin for patient care, service path planning, knowledge accumulation, expert support and joint development. The simulation of the digital twin can clarify the patient's service behavior, reduces the demand for interference, and helps in preventive decisionmaking. According to results the limited resources can be solved, for example, by allying with ecosystem network partners and training technological experts in common competence centers. The key future scenarios of the digital twin were the accumulation of information, the scalability of information and services in networks, and the joint development of organizations.
