
The State-of-the-Art of the Integration Platforms as a Service research


The State-of-the-Art of the Integration Platforms as a Service research

As the world is digitalizing in the fast pace, there is a need for more reliable and scalable integration management. One popular option for modern integration management has been Integration Platforms as a Service (iPaaS). iPaaS is usually implemented to replace the old integration implementation models such as the point-to-point integrations or enterprise service buss. In this research, we are focusing on the state of the iPaaS themed research in the academic field. We also investigate what kind of different viewpoints or research gaps there are in the iPaaS research and how the term iPaaS has evolved and become more clearer during the years. In the results of our systematic literature review (n=14), we reveal that the majority of the iPaaS research has been focused on technological approach. However, now there are signs that iPaaS researchers are beginning to emphasize business-intensive approach, such as the importance of integration strategy or the selection of the right iPaaS platform to serve the enterprises business needs. This study calls for the further work in the area of integration management research. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Enterprise applications; Enterprise information systems.
