
Tuotannonohjauksen kehittäminen sähkömoottoreiden huoltotoiminnassa


Tuotannonohjauksen kehittäminen sähkömoottoreiden huoltotoiminnassa

The company’s electrical motor maintenance unit has faced several changes in the business environment during the past years, due to the challenging financial situa-tion, extended volumes and relocation of maintenance facilities. Development of production management has therefore suffered from lack of resources. The main objective of this research is to study the current state of electrical motor service and find solutions for development of production management within the unit. The research includes a theoretical review of the basic problem domain of produc-tion management. It also studies literature regarding the development methods of production management. In addition to the theoretical review, a practical angle has been included in the research - two benchmarking visits have been made to partner companies where recent production development projects have been suc-cessfully implemented.

The empirical part of the research has been divided into two sections. In the first section, an analysis regarding the current state of the electrical motor maintenance unit is performed by gathering information from the figures available and also by interviewing personnel. The second part is dedicated to the development plan and suggested actions
