
Kotouttaminen ja katutaide kuvataidekasvattajien ja taiteilijoiden yhteistyön kehityskenttänä


Kotouttaminen ja katutaide kuvataidekasvattajien ja taiteilijoiden yhteistyön kehityskenttänä

Focus of this research was the collaboration between the art education students and the artists in Street art project. The workshop was part of the ArtGear – Two-Way Integration of Young People 2016–2018 project and the workshop was organized during May 2017. The working fields of art educators and artists have become more diversified and at the same time they came closer to each other. Working in projects allows the collaboration between these two professions and brings challenges and success. This research shows how to improve the collaboration in similar projects between art educators and artists in the future.

The development of collaboration is approached by development study and art-based action research strategies. Research material was collected by observing the action during the workshop and interviewing the art education students and the artists after the workshop. The theory consists the representation of the professional status of art educators and artists together and alone. In addition the theory unfolds the pedagogy of projects, organizing projects, immigration and two-way integration.

The participants of the workshop were youngsters with Finnish and immigrant backgrounds. The workshop accomplished a street dance choreography and a graffiti piece which were presented in the final public event. In the Street art project pointed out many challenges and learning points between the collaboration of the art education students and the artists both ways.
