
Spatiotemporal variation in the negative effect of neighbourhood crowding on stem growth


Spatiotemporal variation in the negative effect of neighbourhood crowding on stem growth

Neighbourhood interactions drive tree growth and forest ecosystem functioning. The strength of interactions depends on the climate. However, it remains unclear how plant–plant interactions are modified by environmental conditions operating both spatially and temporally, which is crucial for predicting forest dynamics under climate change and for effective forest management. In this study, we used annual growth data for 4139 stems from 2010 to 2021 across 50 permanent forest plots located at six sites in eastern China. We quantified the effect of neighbourhood crowding on the annual basal area increment. We explored how interactions among neighbouring trees vary with water availability and temperature gradients in the spatial (across sites) and temporal (across time within sites) dimensions. Our findings revealed a negative impact of neighbourhood crowding on stem basal area growth, which is size- and trait-dependent at some sites. The negative effects of light competition tended to be more intense at warmer sites, supporting the stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) in a spatial dimension. However, the patterns of crowding effects along interannual climate anomalies are inconsistent across sites, making it difficult to predict crowding effects under the SGH framework in a temporal dimension. Synthesis: Our study demonstrated that tree interactions depend on the climate context. The climate dependence of interactions may be inconsistent between the spatial and temporal dimensions. Light competition across sites supported the SGH in the spatial dimension but not in the temporal dimension. These results further highlight the complexity of biotic interactions and the need for caution when extrapolating findings from the spatial to the temporal dimension.
