
Videoinnin ja digitaalisen tarinankerronnan hyödyntäminen koululiikunnassa : tapaustutkimus yläkoulun yhdeksännen luokan oppilaiden kokemuksista

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Videoinnin ja digitaalisen tarinankerronnan hyödyntäminen koululiikunnassa : tapaustutkimus yläkoulun yhdeksännen luokan oppilaiden kokemuksista

Eeva Multisilta (2016). Videos and digital story telling in physical education. Case study of the experiences of 9th grade students. Department of Sport Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Master’s thesis in Sports Pedagogy 70 pp, 1 appendix.

The purpose of this Master’s thesis was to find out how student related and involving teaching methods with information and communication technology can be used in physical education. Another goal for this thesis was to find out how teacher and students experienced students related teaching methods with information and communication technology in physical education.

The theoretical framework of this educational method was built around four levels of using videos in teaching: passive video watching, comment or evaluate other people’s videos, make own videos and making videos in common. This study has two in the first part students are learning skills by using videos. In the second part students are making videos by using digital storytelling methods. Object of the study was a physical education group of 24 students, 15 of them girls and 9 boys. The empirical data consisted of a questionnaire, two interviews in small groups, mobile phone research and the teacher’s observations in the research diary. Both the teacher and the students experienced the use of videos to learn skills as motivating. The students also felt that videos were helpful when learning skills. For the teacher student related teaching method provided an opportunity to guide the students personally.

The teaching methods and the findings of this research can be used as a help of planning and implementation of similar educational methods. Using videos for learning and making videos can be used to teach physical education as well as other school subjects.

Key words: information and communication technology (ICT), digital storytelling, student related teaching methods, (videos in teaching)

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