
Prognostic significance of flat T-waves in the lateral leads in general population


Prognostic significance of flat T-waves in the lateral leads in general population


Background: Negative T-waves are associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD) risk in the general population. Whether flat T-waves also predict SCD is not known. The aim of the study was to examine the clinical characteristics and risk of SCD in general population subjects with flat T-waves.

Methods: We examined the electrocardiograms of 6750 Finnish general population adults aged ≥30 years and classified the subjects into 3 groups: 1) negative T-waves with an amplitude ≥0.1 mV in ≥2 of the leads I, II, aVL, V4–V6, 2) negative or positive low amplitude T-waves with an amplitude <0.1 mV and the ratio of T-wave and R-wave <10% in ≥2 of the leads I, II, aVL, V4–V6, and 3) normal positive T-waves (not meeting the aforesaid criteria). The association between T-wave classification and SCD was assessed during a 10-year follow-up.

Results: A total of 215 (3.2%) subjects had negative T-waves, 856 (12.7%) flat T-waves, and 5679 (84.1%) normal T-waves. Flat T-wave subjects were older and had more often cardiovascular morbidities compared to normal T-wave subjects, while negative T-wave subjects were the oldest and had most often cardiovascular morbidities. After adjusting for multiple factors, both flat T-waves (hazard ratio [HR] 1.81; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13–2.91) and negative T-waves (HR 3.27; 95% CI 1.85–5.78) associated with SCD.

Conclusions: Cardiovascular risk factors and disease are common among subjects with flat T-waves, but these minor T-wave abnormalities are also independently associated with increased SCD risk.
