
Automatisoidun pastan ja riisin esikeittokattilan käyttöönotto ja työohjeiden teko

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Automatisoidun pastan ja riisin esikeittokattilan käyttöönotto ja työohjeiden teko

The thesis was commissioned by the Nestlé Finland baby food factory and the work was carried out in the production of the factory in Turku. The aim of the thesis was to introduce a new automated precooking kettle for pasta and rice in the cooking department, where all raw materials are pre-prepared before the cooking process with cooking kettles. In addition to the commissioning of the device, the aim was to compile a standard operating procedure for the new device.

The thesis project included tests on the new device and an analysis of the test results. Based on the test results, precooking programs for pasta and rice were created for the device, as well as a standard operating procedure for precooking pasta and rice. Attention was paid to the clarity and comprehensiveness of the standard operating procedure.

In the former precooking process, there were problems with work safety and product safety. The purpose of the new automated precooking kettle is to facilitate and standardize the precooking process and improve work safety and the safety of the finished product.

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