
Kohti työaika-autonomiaa : Loimaan kaupungin akuuttikuntoutusosasto ykkösen henkilökunnan siirtyminen työaika-autonomiaan

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Kohti työaika-autonomiaa : Loimaan kaupungin akuuttikuntoutusosasto ykkösen henkilökunnan siirtyminen työaika-autonomiaan

Autonomy working hours means shift planning that allows the staff of the working community to plan independently their own working hours by taking account the laws, agreements and the rules that has been agreed at the workplace.

One goal of the autonomy working hours is to help coordination between work and families.

The aim of the thesis was to create schedule for introduction of autonomy working and to organize information hours for department number one of Loimaa city's acute rehabilitation department regarding the autonomy working. The introduction of automony working starts after thesis proccess. The aim of the thesis is to give staff needed knowledge and skills to carry out autonomy working, create common rules for autonomy working and to get the staff to understand how to success in the introduction of new autonomy working. During this functional thesis, training was organized to the staff about autonomy working hours in form of information hour. Common rules have been set among the staff about the autonomy working hours. Excel table has also been made for the staff to plan their own working hours. All materials of these information hour have been collected to a folder to support the staffs shift planning. Folder can also be used in staff familiarization. Transfer to autonomy working was made already during the thesis process.

It would be good to assess the completion and success of the introduction process. In addition, it would be good to explore the effects of the autonomy working hours and that has it made easier for the staff to organize work and leisure together. How has autonomy working hours effected well-being and complacence amongst the working society. It would be also good to evaluate the necessity and functionality of the rules that has been agreed at the workplace.

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