
Dynaaminen testamentti - lakitoimistojen toiminnan monipuolistaja : suunnannäyttäjäksi kilpailulla alalla

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Dynaaminen testamentti - lakitoimistojen toiminnan monipuolistaja : suunnannäyttäjäksi kilpailulla alalla

Fluent interaction skills are necessary when lawyer is working a dynamic testament with clients. Dynamic testament has to be done from the beginning to end as the client demands. In most cases lawyers help is irreplaceable. When the third person is reading the dynamic testament, client’s output has to be shown. Communication has to work between the lawyer and client as it’s the only way to complete the dynamic testament. At its best dynamic parts of testament ensure the realization of client’s last will. In addition, as the interaction gets better in one part of the lawyers daily work, it may improve the communications overall.

When law offices embrace the idea of dynamic testament nationally it is possible to use it internationally. The Increase of workforce and immigration bring potential international clients to Finnish law offices.

Based on this thesis the lawyers’ know-how is very limited when it comes to using dynamic testament. With training it is possible to improve lawyers’ skills but other support is also necessary. This thesis was created for lawyers and law students as an information package, which clarifies the idea of the dynamic testament. The thesis is also made to create ideas for how to use the dynamic testament in a law office. The examples of marketing communications give further support.

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