
Hyvinvointia taiteesta : taidetyöpajat Turun ammatti-instituutin lähihoitajaopiskelijoiden taidelähtöisen opetuksen kehittämiseksi

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Hyvinvointia taiteesta : taidetyöpajat Turun ammatti-instituutin lähihoitajaopiskelijoiden taidelähtöisen opetuksen kehittämiseksi

This report is a description of a development project which aim was to develop art-based teaching of practical nurse education in vocational school of Turku and increase this kind of know-how in care work for practical nurses to come. The outcome of this project included three art workshops for practical nurse students and the workshops were made together with students of performing arts and students of social services.

This thesis was made for MOMU-project (Moving towards Multiprofessional Work) which develops multiprofessional co-operation of art and social works. The art workshops of this development project were arranged during the MOMU-project at spring 2017. I made inquiries to the practical nurse students with a purpose to survey their art-based know-how before and after the workshops.

The practical nurse students who participated in the art workshops learned how to use art methods in their work. This kind of action was new for these students and also very welcome in their education. In this report I describe the art workshops and the methods and they are available to use for practical nurse education in vocational school of Turku or in any another supervised action for the young.

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