
Aivoverenkiertohäiriön oireiden tunnistamisen sudenkuopat ensihoidossa

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Aivoverenkiertohäiriön oireiden tunnistamisen sudenkuopat ensihoidossa

The purpose of this thesis was to introduce abnormal stroke symptoms. The thesis answered the question: what kind of abnormal stroke symptoms paramedics should notice while examining a patient. The aim of this thesis was to increase paramedics’ knowledge of different kind of symptoms of stroke.

The thesis includes information of stokes and their symptoms that FAST- and FPSS- algorithms will not recognize. In addition, reflection is given on the potential pitfalls in recognizing abnormal stroke symptoms.

The method of this thesis was narrative literature review. The information was selected from three health databases (Medic, Medline, Cinahl). From those three databases two were international. Based on the data analysis, stroke symptoms were separated to 13 main categories. The symptoms were visual disturbances, abnormal eye movements, alteration consciousness, changing mental status, pain, increased blood pressure, vestibular disorders, laryngeal dysfunctions, deterioration, seizure-related movements, changes in walking ability, sensory disturbances and lack of cognition.

The results of this thesis show that a stroke can involve many different kinds of symptoms. The algorithms FAST and FPSS which are currently in use recognize only some of them. In addition, unusual stroke symptoms are usually connected to posterior circulation disorders based on the results. Knowledge of unusual stroke symptoms increases the likelihood of correct identification of strokes in the field.

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