
Vesivoimalaitoksen automaation modernisointi


Vesivoimalaitoksen automaation modernisointi

The aim of this thesis was to design a new control automation system for the Muurikkalan Sähkölaitos. The new system will replace the current relay-based automation system. In conjunction with the new control automation system, remote control will be added to the automation system. The thesis was commissioned by Maria Taina, the owner of Muurikkalan Sähkölaitos.

The work was divided into three parts: specification, design, and testing. Based on the results made in the specification phase, an automation system was designed using the Siemens TIA portal software. Testing was carried out using a virtual simulation program of the TIA portal software in collaboration with Maria Taina.

The thesis resulted in a working program for a new logic-based automation system and a preliminary interface for the automation system.
