
Opiskelijoiden liikuntatottumukset Savon ammatti- ja aikuiospistossa : kysely opiskelijoille

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Opiskelijoiden liikuntatottumukset Savon ammatti- ja aikuiospistossa : kysely opiskelijoille

Previously collected research data indicates that the physical activity of the youth has decreased. This is reflected on the fact that young people sitting has increased and commuting which requires physical activity has decreased. THL school survey of the students in vocational school revealed that 71 percent of the girls and 66 percent of the boys got too little of exercise a week. The importance of exercise regarding the studies is great, as a good condition, when being a student, spells more the likelihood of a good general condition at the working age later on in life. Thus, the physical exercise provided by schools and its various possibilities greatly affect students' wellbeing and health.

The research will focus on differences in physical exercise between female and male vocational institute students studying. This study evaluates the factors that influence an increase or a decrease in physical activity. The main themes are the importance of student background variables, physical activity, students' own experiments of the importance of physical activity, as well the importance of physical education at school, and the current physical quantities. The study was conducted as a quantitative research in Savo Vocational College units in Kuopio, Toivala and Rissala. The respondents were 15 to 28 years of age studying according to a secondary school curriculum. The questionnaire was answered by 596 students. The study was conducted as a Webropol®- survey 7.-25.9.2015.

The study results showed that many young people felt that the school's sports facilities did not offer a great deal of chances for exercise. Therefore, many students hoped for more optional physical activity courses in the curriculum. The students experienced physical activity as a very important part of life, and many assessed that they get enough physical exercise. They felt that the obstacles hindering physical exercise were the costly payments more than anything else.

Possible topics for further research could be, inter alia, whether the added optional physical education courses in the curriculum found the participants and whether they have had an impact on overall physical activity of young people outside the school. Possibly also what factors increase young people's physical activity and what factors block it could be interesting issue to study.

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