
Voimauttavaa ja elämyksellistä tanssia lapsen itsetunnon tueksi

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Voimauttavaa ja elämyksellistä tanssia lapsen itsetunnon tueksi

The objective of my thesis was to help the progress of children’s’ self-esteem through activities involving dance. The project composed of ten practical sessions with eight second grade students from Cygnaeus School in Pori, during the spring of 2014. Despite the small size of the group the children had difficulties with concentrating and trusting their own skills. The purpose of the project was to offer a new functional experience in the school environment that would have a positive effect on children’s self-esteem and trust their own know-how. After the practical sessions the group performed a dance in front of a small audience composed of first and second grade students and teachers. The performance had been planned in co-operation with the children. In addition to the planning of the performance and planning different exercises were completed during the sessions. The objective of the exercises was to improve concentration and social skills.

Subjects that are discussed in the beginning of the thesis are children’s motor skills, creativity and problem solving in addition to the empowering and memorable effects of dance. Towards the middle of the thesis the discussion turns to self-esteem and self-image in addition to aspects of working in a group. The last part is composed of reports on the practical phase and discussion of the thesis. The contents of the practical sessions are described in the report part and can be used later in guiding gropus. The main researchmethod used was observation and learning diary, both were later used as an aid in reporting. Because increase in self-esteem is impossible to objectively measure, a self-assesment form, which the students filled in, was used. The tutor of the class I taught was involved in the activities. The feedback received from her during and after the practical phase helped me perceive the accomplishment of the goals. During the practical phase the activities were discussed with the children. By observing the facial expressions, gestures and excitement in addition to their comments, I could examine whether the desired outcome was accomplished in relation to the usefulness of my thesis.

The project was challenging but immensly interesting and educational. During the practical phase I faced new challenges alone, which I believe will be useful in my future career in social work. The biggest thanks that one can aquire from this experience is seeing joy and elation on the faces of children.

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