
Service Designing Tools for Leadership

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Service Designing Tools for Leadership

This thesis studies service designing leadership tools and it is commissioned by a bookkeeping and real estate management company. The theoretical framework for the thesis contains leading change and leading service design projects. As the well-being of the commissioner’s employees is in focus, workplace well-being is an important part of the theoretical background.

The service design project implemented within the thesis follows the process presented by Tuulaniemi. Methods used in this project include a well-being survey, interviews and workshops. Business model canvas, a stakeholder map and employee journeys have been utilised as tools. Employees of the company participated in the co-designing process. The project identified six development goals, of which four prototypes were built. Three of the prototypes were piloted within this service design project. These were development discussions, team day and ground rules for the workplace.

The pilots were successful and the commissioner found the piloted tools useful. According to the evaluation, the tools will remain in use at the company. The development discussions were found especially useful. Other results of the project include, that the employees wish the CEO to take a stronger leadership role. This project successfully implemented the full service design process including prototyping and piloting.

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