
Syskons olika upplevelser av föräldrars skilsmässa

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Syskons olika upplevelser av föräldrars skilsmässa

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the different ways siblings can experience parental divorce and how divorce affects the children's adult life. The central questions are if the siblings have experienced the divorce in different ways and how the divorce has affected their choices later on in life as adults.

The theoretical part deals with the subject of divorce and other themes regarding the purpose of this thesis, with particular emphasis on children. The theory section puts focus on housing conditions, children's different experiences of crises, relationships between siblings, communication between children and adults, resilience and adult children of divorced parents. The qualitative study is based on interviews and questionnaires with open-ended questions. Two different families participated in this study, each family having two adult siblings, who had experienced parental divorce as a child.

The study shows that there are both similarities and differences in how the siblings experience their parents’ divorce. The study reveals factors that affect the different experiences, such as gender, age and the position of the siblings in the family. The study also shows that adult children of divorced parents prioritise family life above all and consider the divorce to be an experience.

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