
Sähköinen suun omahoitoa tukeva neuvontapalvelu Megaklinikan asiakkaille

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Sähköinen suun omahoitoa tukeva neuvontapalvelu Megaklinikan asiakkaille

Self-care supportive counseling e-services for customers of Megaklinikka. The purpose of this final projekt was to produce an information service in Megaklinikka's webpage in order to increase the customers' oral health literacy. The aim was to make the customers more conscious of their oral health, diseases and disease prevention. The f.p. was a part of a development project which enables Megaklinikka to serve their customers with higher level of quality. Counseling wish the help of e-services is a key factor in making the customers committed to maintain personal oral health and this, in turn, should have a positive effect on the ways people take care of their health.

This study was carried out in collaboration with the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences be consistent with the name and Megaklinikka, its cooperation partner in working life. The chosen approach in the f.p. was a model of health behavior change and it was used to improve health.

The structure of this f.p. follows the criteria of a literature review and the practise-based thesis. The theoretical context consists of reliable studies, scientific publications and professional literature.

An article based on this f.p. was published in a magazine called Suuhygienisti (Oral hygienist). The goal of the article was to increase oral health literacy and, in addition, to make use of the model of health behavior change in order to prevent and identify infectious oral diseases.

It is possible to add a section to the information service where customers may give feedback and propose their improvement ideas for getting even better service in the future.

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