
Korjausrakennusosaston mobiilistrategia

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Korjausrakennusosaston mobiilistrategia

This Bachelor’s thesis has been made in cooperation with Stara, the construction engineering company of the City of Helsinki and their department of Building Renovation. In the department of building renovation, the company´s need to examine the potentials of mobile technology was discovered. Visions and goals for future activities were also considered necessary in order to plan the required technical solutions. Opinions of the site management professionals were examined in a survey, which was conducted with the help of questionnaires. The studied themes of the survey were attitudes against mobile technology, the use of time in site management, research problems in the department and the utilization of the currently existing programs. Opportunities of mobile technology and mobile applications have been examined during the project. The themes of the examination were production management, documentation and the accounting of working hours. A few of these applications are also presented in the thesis. The resulting information of the survey has been analyzed regarding the challenges and problems of the department of building renovation. The future organization of activities was planned based on the detected and researched information. In this thesis, the activities, needs and challenges related to the mobile strategy of the department of building renovation were introduced. In addition, suggestions were made for the further development of the company´s mobile strategy.

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