
Sydäntutkimusosaston e-ohjausmateriaali ruokavaliosta ja tupakkatuotteista sepelvaltimotautipotilaalle

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Sydäntutkimusosaston e-ohjausmateriaali ruokavaliosta ja tupakkatuotteista sepelvaltimotautipotilaalle

Coronary heart disease, also known as atherosclerosis is a condition that damages or obstrucs coronary arteries. This results in impaired blood and oxygen intake of the heart. The onset of coronary heart disease depends on many factors, including; genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors. The most common treatments for coronary heart disease are different ways of self-care, medication and surgery.

The thesis was implemented in co-operation with Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the Cardiovascular Research Unit of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). This thesis was a functional thesis and a part of guidance in nursing -project. The purpose of this study was to produce two written e-guidance material packages for the Cardiovascular Research Unit in Meilahti. The material dealt with coronary heart disease and nutrition as well as coronary heart disease and tobacco products. The aim of this study was to promote patient self-care via the Internet and to develop the guidance of patients suffering from coronary heart disease at the cardiovascular research unit

Guidance can be implemented in different ways, but in this thesis the importance of e-guidance material is presented as a part of patient education. The Internet as a mass media enables a variety of influence methods in guidance. The online patient education material can be directed to either an individual or a group, so the interaction in both easy and sensitive issues can be easier. People who are looking for health information on the Internet want information to be fast available and easy to read.

The e –guidance material was assessed by the head nurse of the Cardiovascular Research Department, employees of the department and a nutritionist. Feedback was collected in written form. The material was improved based on the feedback. All the respondents experienced that the e–guidance material serves the users and their relatives after the enhancement of the content.

The e –guidance material can be utilized as a part of patient counseling at the Cardiovascular Research Department in the future. Furthermore, for example, we find that the e-guidance material could be used as a part of the orientation of nursing students or new employees. Because the maximum length of one output was one side, the produced material could be extended into a more comprehensive patient education material, for example a written guide. The guide could be utilized as a support for patient education and also given to the patient to take home.

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