
Sairaanhoitajien työhyvinvointi ikäihmisten hoivakodissa

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Sairaanhoitajien työhyvinvointi ikäihmisten hoivakodissa

The topic of this thesis is the well-being of nurses at work in a nursing home. The purpose of the thesis was to get an idea of how nurses feel about their well-being while working in nursing homes. The aim of the thesis was that the commissioner and other organizations in this field could utilize the findings of this research to develop and improve the well-being of nurses at work in nursing homes. In addition, nurses can also use the information themselves to improve and maintain their well-being at work.

The method used in this thesis was qualitative. The data was analyzed by using data-driven content analysis. The data collection method chosen for this thesis was a form interview, which was send via email to the participants of this study. The form interview was chosen to make it reaching out to the interviewees easier. The interview consisted mainly of open-ended questions. The interview questions were based on previous stud-ies on the well-being of nurses at work and on the support of supervisor and the work community at work. The form interview was done during two different time periods in order to gather enough data for the purpose of the study. At the end, ten interviews were completed. The response time for both interview periods was two weeks.

Based on the results of the study, nurses working in nursing homes were mainly satis-fied with the supervisor’s work. The negative factors affecting the well-being at work were too few employees and the atmosphere in the work community. The positive fac-tors affecting the well-being at work were open and encouraging atmosphere in the work community, support from the supervisor and one’s own physical and mental condition.

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