
Kino 2.0 : vanhan ajan Hollywood glamour nykyajan saavutettavassa elokuvateatterissa

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Kino 2.0 : vanhan ajan Hollywood glamour nykyajan saavutettavassa elokuvateatterissa

Nowadays the culture, watching of movies and the whole cinema experience has been altered drastically. I will analyze this transition in my thesis through the history of movie and cinema but also its current state. What will happen to the cinemas in a world where a movie can be “home theater delivered” by one click and even free? My end goal is to design a new cinema based on the findings. What are the options to bring mainstream and Art-house movies, both new and old, under the same roof? Would it be easier for the consumer to try sometimes something new this way? How could the independent cinemas prosper better?

In designing public spaces every user must be taken into account. This also includes meeting the needs of physically challenged users. Still, accessible solutions are rarely designed to go with the surroundings they are placed in. In my work I will research the possibilities to combine functional accessibility with aesthetics.

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